We invite you to St. John’s, and share with us, in worship and fellowship, our prayers, praise and thanksgiving for the gift of God’s grace and love in His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Holy Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 10 AM, and Thursdays at 10 AM. (Please check the calendar page for current schedule.) The 10 AM Holy Eucharist on Sundays is also live-streamed on our Facebook page; and recorded and posted to our YouTube Channel.
If you are looking for a small loving community that truly makes you feel a part of the family of God and the Body of Christ, where the traditional Anglican liturgy according to the Book of Common Prayer is reverently celebrated and the teaching is biblical-based and Christ-centred, we hope you’ll consider our Cathedral Church — affectionately known as ‘the little white God-box’.
The Anglican Catholic Church of Canada is rooted in the ancient English Church in belief and tradition as part of Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. As such, we accept the whole Christian Faith ‘as once delivered to the saints’.
As traditional Anglicans, part of the world-wide Traditional Anglican Church, we maintain the historic Anglican expression of the Christian Faith as revealed in Holy Scripture, summarized in the ancient Creeds of the Church, and set forth in the Book of Common Prayer.
We invite you to come to our small church. Here you will find a warm welcome, friendly faces, a worshipping community, a caring people, and the love and saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.